Call Forwarding Set Up

You can forward calls from your existing phone to another phone by changing the settings in your existing phone. You can use either a Network Operator Short Code to forward calls or you can use instructions specific to your handset brand.

Setting up Call Forwarding with short Codes
1. Dial **21* followed by the number you wish the calls to forwarded to, followed by #
for example **21*01150353850#
2. Press 'yes/ok/send'
3. You will either see a message on your screen or receive a text message saying that forwarding has been enabled
4. Restart your phone

5. When you wish to stop forwarding your calls, dial ##21# to disable call forwarding

Search related: #call-forwarding . #activate #setup #deactivate |
Call Forwarding Instructions |
Turn Call Forwarding On and Off |
How do I set-up/remove my Call Forwarding options ...
How to set-up Call Forwarding |
How do I forward my calls ?
How do I use Call Forwarding?
How to Activate Call Forwarding |
How to Deactivate Call Forwarding |

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