What You Should Know About Facebook Security

As of January 2017, Facebook has almost 1.8 billion active users worldwide. What’s more, according to statistics compiled by the digital marketing firm Zephora, around 1.2 billion people log onto the social media platform every day.

Those are a lot of potential victims.

You’ve probably heard stories about people’s accounts getting hacked. But you’re probably one of those people who think that this won’t ever happen to them. Chances of this happening are basically non-existent, right? Well dear reader, you cannot be more wrong.

Accounts Get Hacked Every Day

According to the New York Post, around 160,000 Facebook accounts are being hacked on a daily basis, and every time Facebook updates their terms of service – they loosen up the privacy settings. And we have to point out that these statistics date to 2015.
That just means that the situation is probably much worse at this point.
Essentially, the aim of this article is to help you reinforce your Facebook security and stop hackers and other cybercriminals from ruining your day (or in a worst case scenario, extort money from your). But first, we have to look at some things you might be doing wrong.

You Need Some Facebook Security Tips?

There are lots of things you are probably doing wrong from the get go. Many users tend to use simply user-names and passwords, which only heightens the risk of a hack. But you could avoid any potential mess, if you just take a couple of minutes to educate yourself on Facebook security.

·        Complex Passwords

If your pass has less than 10 character, numbers, plus lower-case and upper-case letters, it’s definitely not strong. Also, you should avoid using names, birthdays or information about someone close to you. For instance a strong password would be something like “B1i2k3e!”

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